Friday 5 December 2008

Saturday December 6th - another week gone!

I had to get up early Tuesday morning to catch a bus that was taking me to a Thermal Wonderland (Wai-O-Tapu). On the way there we stopped at what were apparently the biggest mud pools in the Southern Hemisphere. After stopping to see them, we went a bit further and then saw the Lady Knox Geyser that errupts at 10:15 every day. We waited to see that errupt, and then went to the Thermal Wonderland. Walking around there (3kms) was pretty amazing, as some of the pictures show. Due to different chemical reactions, and depending on the amount of cloud coverage, the colours of some pools were amazing. There were bright greens, blues, reds, etc.

I arrived back in Rotorua at lunchtime, and then decided to go for lunch. I didn't fancy going the same place as the day before so I decided to follow the Lonely Planet's advice and went to hunt for an Irish Bar that apparently did fab food. I found it at the other side of town, and shock horror, it was closed. An Irish bar?? Closed?? Hmmmm!!! Anyway, this was right next door to the cinema, and being Tuesday everything is cheaper so I decided to go and watch a film, andfor lunch ate a pack of M 'n' M's. Maybe not that healthy, but nice!!!!

After watching the film I decided to change into my swimming costume, and head over to the Polynesian Spa. For $20, I had the use of 7 pools where the temparature ranged between 36 and 42 degrees c!! It was very relaxing, and nice looking out over the lake (though it was pretty smelly!!!). After a while here, I went and had some supper and then went to bed.

I was checking out Wednesday morning ready to move onto Taupo, so after storing my bags I decided to have a cooked breakfast which would see me through til the afternoon. After the yummy breakfast I went to use the hostels internet, and then went to catch the bus. I arrived in Taupo around 2pm. After arriving I went to find the hostel (Tiki Lodge) and was impressed. It was another nice one. I decided here that I wanted to do a boat trip out on the lake, but I was leaving soon after lunch the next day so guessed my options would be limited. I did manage to book a trip for 5pm though, on a boat called 'Ernest Kemp'. The boat trip on Lake Taupo was fantastic. We went out to see Maori carving on the cliffs on the side of the Lake. I met a lovely couple on the boat, who were initially from Ireland, but had moved to Australia around 20 years earlier, and were on holiday in NZ. They bought me a drink when we got on the boat, and when I asked them later what they wanted so I could get them one back, they wouldn't let me and got me another drink!!

The next morning I went for a walk around Taupo, and waited until it was time for me to catch the bus back to Auckland. I arrived back in Auckland around 8pm, and was met by John. We had a takeaway, and headed back to the flat.

Friday was another early morning (I seem to have a lot of these!!), because I was catching a bus tour at 8am in Auckland. The bus tour was by Stray tours, and would take me up to the most Northern part of NZ. Working our way up, we stopped to see an 850 year old Maori tree, which we all hugged because it was supposed to bring luck. After that we stopped somewhere where we could go snorkelling of we wanted but the weather was very British so I decided against it!! But while we were there there was a glass bottom boat offering trips, so we went on that, and saw fish, a stingray, and a few caves (not through the glass bottom!!). We stopped once more along the way so that we could visit some famous toilets!! They were very pretty, made with different coloured glass (the walls, etc. not the toilets themselves). I can't remember at the moment the names of these places, but will look them up and fill in!! We were staying in Paihia, so after getting there I checked into my hostel (Saltwater Lodge). This hostel was the nicest hostel I've stayed in I think. The room had a bunk bed and twin beds (I got one of the twins!), a TV (Wow!!!), a fridge, and a massive bathroom. There was tons of space there and it was clean. Shocking as that sounds but it's so nice to stay in a clean hostel!!! Me and one of the girls from the bus went out for food, where I had stuffed chicken with an orange sauce, mashed sweet potato and veg. It was really nice. We then headed back to the hostel and actually watched a bit of TV!!

This morning was another early one!! We were meeting the bus at 7am to take us on a tour around the top of NZ, including Cape Reigna. Again, I am going to have to look up names of places, etc. so will fill this in again. I did manage to fall though at Cape Reigna, and grazed my right leg from the knee down. It doesn't half sting!!!!!


Right - things I did on this trip up to the Bay of Islands.

Friday - Auckland to Paihia
Depart 7.45am (all departure times shown are from our preferred accommodation). We go well off the beaten track today. We visit a Kauri reserve for trees (where I hugged the 850 year old Kauri tree) and early settler history; then turn off the main highway towards Goat Island for some FREE snorkelling in the Marine Reserve. (I didn't do this snorkelling - the weather wasn't great for it. I went on a glass bottom boat instead, and saw fish!). We stay in central Paihia tonight - I stayed in the Saltwater Lodge - best hostel I've stayed in.

Saturday - Paihia to Cape Reinga and back
Depart 7am. Today we head to the top of New Zealand. See mighty Kauri forests, 90 Mile Beach, do some free dune surfing and see the clashing of two oceans at Cape Reinga (Tasman Sea and Pacific Ocean). Traditional Kiwi fish and chips option for dinner - was very yummy aswell! Accommodation is the same as last night.

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