Wednesday 31 December 2008

Thursday 1st Jan 2009 - Happy New Year!!

Saturday 27th December was our complete day of rest!! We stayed in the hostel and just chilled all day, chatting and reading. Though, saying that the following few days were pretty much the same!! Though, we did go out into Sydney on Sunday night. It was Sam's last night out so we went out to a couple of bars. It was a good night, not a mad one though!! I was supposed to spend the next couple of night going out aswell, but decided against that - and I wasn't the only one!! We were all shattered.

On Tuesday we went into George Street to the cinema to see Australia. It was a really good film, well worth watching. We then went shopping for food and stuff that we would need on New Years Eve, and then headed back to the hostel for a Domino's Pizza and a drink!!

Wednesday (New Years Eve) - we all got up and got ready. This meant going to buy our booze and then filling plastic bottles up with various drinks as you couldn't take glass into the park we were gonig to. After this, and making our sandwiches, we headed over to the park, which was in Balmain. We got there around half 2, and the park was almost empty. We were so lucky. people had been queuing since 6 in the morning to get into the parks in the centre of Sydney. We sat by the fence, which meant we had a fab view of the Harbour Bridge where the fireworks would be. We spent most of the day there just chatting, eating and drinking, but time went really quickly. At 9 o'clock, the small fireworks started. Though they were small, they were pretty amazing!! At around half eleven we went out to stand by the wall so that we had a really good view of the bridge. There was literally no-one standing in front of me so I could see everything it was amazing.

At midnight the fireworks started. Wow!! They are definately the best fireworks I have ever seen. They were above the bridge, coming up from the bridge, and coming down off the bridge. Really amazing. Unfortunately words or pictures won't be able to describe them!! After the fireworks finished, we celebrated a bit longer, before heading back to the hostel. There were buses running, but they were so full that they weren't even stopping at most bus stops, so we decided our best option was to walk. Unfortunately we didn't really know which was the quickest way back, so we walked the way the bus had taken us that day. Probably a really long way around. It only took us about an hour to an hour and a half to get back though, so it actually wasn't that bad.

I've got to say I think that was one of the best New Years Eve parties ever!!

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