Sunday 4 January 2009

Sunday 4th January 2009 - Sydney (still!)

I woke up on New Years Day with no hangover (not drinking much really helps you know!!!). I had quite a lazy day though. Me, Sinead and Maggie went to Manly beach to meet one of Sinead's friends. We basically didn't move very far, though I did make it into the sea. It was flippin cold to start with, but you soon got used to it. It was probably my last time in the sea in Oz. That feels so strange. After getting back to the hostel, we went (with Simon) for a curry. Yum!!! After that I had to pack coz I was moving hostels the next day.

I got up and checked out the next morning, but after that I didn't move too far. It was too early to move to the next hostel, and the rest of the gang were staying in the Glebe one, so I just stayed in the room for a while chilling. I eventually caught the bus to take me into the centre. I was pretty excited about this next hostel coz I'd stayed there before in a 4 bed. It was really spacious, and the people in my room were lovely. Unfortunately though (what a surprise!!) the room was tiny. You couldn't open the door fully coz there were lockers behind it and you would bang them (which I did, and still do. I don't think I'm gonna learn this one!!). The other 3 people in my room seemed lovely, though, despite the fact they were out for most of the day so I didn't see much of them. I went out in the evening, and when I got back they were getting ready to go out.

Only one of the girls came back that night. Unfortunately though she wasn't alone. She'd pulled and thought it was a good idea to bring the guy back to the room. I hate it when this happens. Why should I have to try and sleep through that????? One of the other girls got back around 8 the next morning, and announced to the girl that was in bed (and the guy that was still with her) that she just had to do the walk of shame. I never actually saw the 3rd girl again, they were checking out that day. What a pity!!!!!

I met up with Sinead and Maggie on the 3rd to go for breakfast with a few other people, and then we caught a train with Simon and Chris to go ice skating. I'd only ever been once before, so it was fun!! Me and Sinead were kinda at the same level (rubbish!!), whilst the others kept lapping us, stopping from time to time for a chat. It was fun though, and that's whats important. After finishing there we caught the train back to the centre, and then I went back to the hostel for a bit. In the evening I met Maggie and Sinead for a game of pool (again another sport I'm rubbish at. I'll find one I'm good at soon!!!). Then it was time for bed. Thankfully the 3 new people in the room seemed nice, didn't go out and bring random men back to the dorm!!!

I had to get up early today (Sunday 4th) because I was doing a Blue Mountains trip. This was the trip I was supposed to do in September during my first week but couldn't because I was ill. We were being collected at 7:20, so a nice and early start. It was a good day. We saw some kangaroos, and did 2 walks. The first was for 2 hours, and the second was for an hour. It was a hot day, but in the shade the ground was very wet and muddy. Me, being me, managed to find a nice deep puddle and attempted a Vicar of Dibley scene. I only managed to get one foot in though. I couldn't see that food then, and my trainer was filthy. I looked really silly though walking around with one muddy shoe and one clean one. It could be a new trend!!! After the mud dried, it kinda just fell off though, so by the end of the day I was looking more equal again!!! At the end of the second walk we caught the world's steepest train. It was 51 degrees. This train took us up the mountain, backwards. And part of it was completely covered by rocks so it was pitch black and water was dripping down on us.

Tonight will be my last night seeing the people I met in ozintro in September, before we all go our separate ways. It's gonna be so strange saying goodbye to them, and it's almost like my first step home. We're off to the pub, what better way to end!!! And then tomorrow I'm flying to Alice Springs. Another early start.......

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