Thursday 15 January 2009

Thursday 15th Jan 2009 - almost at the end.....

Well, all I can say is that I think Adelaide is boring!!! I didn't do much on Monday other than sleep (I was pretty tired!!). On Tuesday I had my wine tour of the Barossa valley. Now that was not boring!!! ;-) We started off by stopping for breakfast at the World's Largest Rocking Horse (the catch is that it doesn't rock - so in theory it's not the world's largest rocking horse, but anyway...). After stopping there we were supposed to go to the Whispering Wall, which is a dam. Apparently if you stand on one side of the dam, and someone else stands the other side, you can have a normal conversation with them. I say 'apparently' because I never got to test this out. It was so hot on Tuesday (over 40 degrees), that there was a complete fire ban in Adelaide, and the surrounding area. This meant that the national parks, and other similar areas were closed in case people decided to start a bbq there. It wouldn't take much at all for a fire to start, and then it would be a major disaster. All it meant for us though was that we could start drinking sooner!!!

The first vineyard we went to was the Jacob's Creek. They gave us a little history first (come on...we're waiting for the wine!!), and then came the tasting. We tasted loads there. We had sparkling (white not red mam!!), white, rose, and red. Not a bad start to the day. The rest of the day carried on pretty much the same! The second vineyard was Vine Creek. The wine here was really yummy. It's a pretty small vineyard, and they don't export their wine anywhere. You can't even buy it in Adelaide. I think it was nicer than Jacob's Creek, though. They even had a white port. I'd never had white port before, but I'll take a guess at the fact that I may have it again!!!

The next vineyard was Richmond Grove. We had a tour here, and they showed us how the wine was made. After this one we went for lunch. We were supposed to have a barbie for lunch, but again because of the fire ban we couldn't. We ended up going for a pub lunch, and I had kangaroo. It was yummy.

After lunch we went to one more vineyard (Bethany's), and there they had a list of tonnes of wine, and you could choose to taste any one you wanted off it. Hehehehe!!! I didn't try them all though, thought I'd look like an alchoholic!!! Most people only tried one or two, though, think they'd had enough by then because of the heat. It's strange though, out of the 17 people on the tour, 5 didn't really like wine. They came on the trip to view the countryside. Strange, strange people!!!

Anyway, that was Tuesday. Wednesday was supposed to be sightseeing day of Adelaide, but I walked round the city centre in less than an hour, and then got bored. I spent the rest of the day reading, and that was about it.

Thursday (today) I had to get up early to catch the shuttle bus to Adelaide airport to fly back to Sydney. After getting to Sydney I caught the train to the centre, and then checked into my hostel. I only have 2 more nights left in a hostel now!! That seems so strange. I went to the cinema today and saw Bride Wars. It was actually a pretty funny film!! After that I went to Darling Harbour shopping, and then headed back to the hostel. On the way back to the hostel it poured down, and within ten minutes the temperature had dropped by 10 degrees (that's what the news said anyway - I don't carry a thermometer around with me!!!). That pretty much takes me up until now............

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