Wednesday 28 January 2009

The end............

Well I thought I'd better finish this off!!! I spent Friday in Sydney shopping (what else can I do for my final weekend!). Sinead by this point had returned to Sydney for the weekend too, so she helped me!! After that we decided to go out for a drink, and found the YHA's bar next door had a pretty good happy hour (I started this blog drinking, I may aswell finish it the same way!). We ended up having a few glasses of wine there (I say wine, it was probably goon!), before heading back to our hostel for my last hostel night. I'm pretty lucky the people in my room were nice, so didn't have any bad experiences for my last weekend.

I got up on Saturday, and checked out. I knew I couldn't check into my hotel until one, so I went and used the internet for a while before catching the train to Wollie Creek. The hotel was a 10 minute walk from the station. Apparently. It took me not far off an hour to find it. With my backpack on my back. And there were no taxis there that I could jump into. 2 people stopped me on route to ask me was my bag heavy. How very kind of them to ask me that! After walking for ages, I found a train station, and figured I'd walked in a circle and got back to the train station I'd walked out from. I guessed that would be ok, coz I could either phone for a taxi from there, or there are maps on the wall to find directions. As I got closer to the train station, though, I realised it wasn't the one I'd arrived at earlier, but a completely different one. I'd walked completely the wrong way. The other side of the train station, though, was a highway, which I knew I needed to cross to get to this hotel. So, after some more walking I arrived at the hotel shattered and hungry (had only eaten a cereal bar by that point - and it was now 2 o'clock). Of course nowhere was open for lunch in the hotel, so I walked to the 7-11 to grab some food.

Later that afternoon, Chris arrived at the hotel (he got a taxi after asking me how I got there!!). We then headed to the bar (well why not), and had food. The next morning after checking out, I waited for the shuttle bus to take me to the airport. I was going to b really early arriving there but refused to pay $15 an hour for a late check out, especially when I could sit in the airport for free. Obviously I got to the airport much too early, and check in didn't open for ages. All the seats were taken up so I got to sit on a bar!! Very comfortable - not!

Eventually check in opened, so after getting rid of my bag, I went to find something to eat. Then it was a lot of sitting around and waiting until the flight was leaving. My 2 flights back to London, and the stop at Hong Kong were pretty uneventful. Boring but uneventful. I was a bit late landing in London, and it took ages for my bag to come through, and then I went to find the bus station, and waited there for a couple of hours, until it was time to catch the bus to Swansea where I was being met by Mam and Geoff. And then home at last.............................

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