Thursday 2 October 2008

Cape Tribulation

We all got up at 6am to get ready to catch the bus 2 go to Cape Tribulation yesterday (Thursday), and found out that we had almost an extra hour coz we read the time wrong. We still ended up rushing round though!! We stopped several times on the way 2 Cape Tribulation, to start with at Mossman Gorge, that was freezing with water running straight from the mountains. We the stopped off to go on a boat on the Daintree River to look for crocs and stuff. We saw a bird, one snake and 2 baby crocs. We then crossed the Daintree River on a ferry, and stopped again at an icecream place that makes exotic fruit flavoured ice cream. It was ok but I don't think it was anything special.

We arrived at PK's (where we are staying for 2 nights at Cape Trib), and most of us ended up in different rooms (Me and Sam are together, Chris and Simon, and then Maggie is by herself). Outside Maggie's room is the biggest spider ever!! It's bigger than your hand and it is a golden orb. She doesn't move much though, and her name is Penny. I'm so pleased she's not outside my room though!! The rooms are basically empty sheds here with beds in them. Me and Sam are pretty nervous coz of what bugs there could be around, and we found a good way 2 help us sleep - we went straight to the bar when we got here bout half 4, and stayed there til pretty much closing time!! I ended up sleeping ok!!

There was a pool competition here last night, and Chris decided to enter. When it came to his turn he ended up playing against a child. The child only looked about 10, but he was a really good pool player!! Chris won by 1 ball. I went jungle surfing this morning, and it was better than I expected. I'm not great with heights so I was a bit worried about it. There were 2 really little kids doing it though, so I decided if they could then so could I. There were 5 different parts, and all the platforms were at different heights from the trees. I would do it again though, coz it was amazing to see the rainforest, and the sea all at once. It poured down with rain though at one stage so I got soaked. On the way back then on the bus I whacked my head, and have now got a nice bumb!! Very clever!! After getting back from jungle surfing we had lunch, and then I had a glass of wine (it had to be done really!!).

We all then decided to go for a walk down to the beach. It is apparently the only beach where the rainforest meets the sea, and the reef. On the way down there we passed loads of small bright red crabs. I went into the sea, and it was pretty warm. After that we decided to try and get a coconut down from the tree. Chris tried many times to get it down, but unfortunately didn't quite manage it. As we were sitting on the sand, the sun came out and it was pretty warm, then literally a couple of minutes later it poured down. We got so soaked. We tried to shelter under the trees, but it didn't help much. Luckily we were only a couple of minutes walk away from where we were staying, so made it back and then jumped straight in the shower!!

The rest of the day so far has been pretty lazy. I played pool with Maggie (I won - just!! It was down to the black ball!!), and that's about as energetic as it got really!!

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