Wednesday 1 October 2008

Wednesday Oct 1st 2008

I spent yesterday doing very little!! I went 4 a wonder around the shopping centre, had breakfast out, and then chilled all afternoon with Simon and Chris, and then had a $5 bbq at the hostel followed by a couple of beers. I had 2 b in bed pretty early thuogh coz was getting up at 6am 2day 2 go snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef.

I managed 2 get up on time, and sort my bags out (we were changing rooms at the hostel so had to check out of one, and then check into the other after getting back from the snorkelling). After sorting all that out I made my way 2 the marina 2 catch the boat that was taking us snorkelling. The boat journey took not far off 3 hours, but once we arrived we could pretty much get straight in the water. This was the first time I'd ever been snorkelling so I started off with one of the instructors. It was amazing - it was so chilled and peaceful under the water, and the fish were swimming so close 2 u. I saw tons of different fish, not that I could name half of them!! I did find Nemo though!! ;-)

After a while snorkelling, we all had lunch, which was salad, pasta, potatoes, and meat. Once we'd finished our lunch we could get back in the sea again. This time I was brave and did it myself!! I really enjoyed it and fancy doing it again. On the boat on the way back I did notice one problem though - I'd burnt the back of my legs. Ouch!! They're pretty painful at the moment, especially when I sit, which is quite a lot of the time!!!

After the nice, long, bumpy boat journey back (which included a glass of wine, cheese and fruit), I managed to get back to the hostel and check in2 my new room. I'm sleeping in a top bunk for the first time so that will be an experience. Hopefully I won't fall out - there are bars at the sides so it's a bit like a cot I suppose!! It's prob gonna b another early night tonight as off 2 Cape Tribulation tomorrow for 2 nights, where I'm gonna b jungle surfing and horse riding on the beach. Sleeping in the jungle is scary though - there are loads of bugs about. Here goes..........

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