Monday 27 October 2008

Tuesday 28/10/08 - Still in Hervey Bay

Been in Hervey Bay for 5 days now, and not done all that much. We went for a walk down onto the esplanade, and found that there weren't that many shops there. I went on the bus into the local shopping centre, but there actually aren't that many shops there. The woman at reception in our hostel asked if we had a bit of time to spare (strangely enough we did!!) and whether we fancied taking the hostel's puppy for a walk down the beach. There wasn't much else to do so decided that we might as well!!! Dora the puppy was pretty big and very lively. It wasn't so much a walk as a run to start with, and then Sinead took over on the beach and ended up completely covered with sand!!! We did get free internet access at the hostel for our efforts though, which was good.

We booked a whale watching trip while we were here, and went Sunday afternoon. We really hoped we'd see something as it's coming to the end of the season, and the trips are stopping in the next week or 2. But, on the boat they said that they had seen more whales this year than ever before. We saw quite a few, and they were all mothers and babies. They were very interested in the boat though and kept coming up and nosing, and the mothers would show off their babies!! Because it's the end of the season, all the males have already gone for the Summer. Other than that we haven't actually done much here. We bought a box of goon when we arrived and it pretty much lasted us our time in the hostel, I have watched more tv in the last few days, than I have since leaving the UK!! We also had an organised day where I spent ages on the computer sorting out all my future trips, especially for Melbourne and the red centre in January. Doing that though has made me realise how little time I have here and how quick the time is actually going. I've been here 6 weeks today, which is really strange!!!

We have changed hostels today to the beaches hostel, because we get 2 free nights with our Fraser Island camping package. We are off tomorrow morning on the 3 day 2 night trip. It's gonna be an experience!!! After that the plan is to head to Rainbow Beach on Saturday for the night, and then down to Brisbane on Sunday where I plan to stay for 2 or 3 weeks.

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