Wednesday 8 October 2008

Thursday October 9th

We all had the barbie Monday night, that Annie cooked. After that it was a few drinks and then bed! On Tuesday a lot of the group went sky diving. The first 3 went at 7 in the morning. I planned to go and watch them land on the beach, but they got back before I was ready!! They were quicker than I thought. And they actually landed on the next beach up and not the one outside the hostel. They next 3 went at about 1. The driver told them that they would be landing on the next beach up so a few of us managed to get a lift over to watch them. We waited for ages, and one group landed but none of our friends, and then another plane went up and they landed, but again still no-one from our group. We went and asked one of the instructors where they were, and they said they had requested to land on the beach outside the hostel and had phoned up to let us know, because they didn't know that we would have got a lift to the next beach. So we managed to miss them aswell!!

After that I went and posted a box of clothes back home, stuff that I haven't been wearing -thought it would make my bag lighter to carry! After that me and Maggie had a walk around Mission Beach, but there was only a handful of shops there, and it was so hot. We got back to the hostel, and jumped in the pool!! The bar next to the hostel has free wine (well goon!) between 5:30 and 6:30 so we made sure we were there for that, and afterwards we stayed for food. I ate kangaroo. They will only cook it rare or medium rare, because any more than that makes the kangaroo tough, so I ate it medium rare. I managed to eat most of it, but the rest seemed to disappear into other people's mouths!! The kangaroo was pretty good though. After a few more drinks, we went to the tv room to watch people's sky dive dvd's. They were really funny, seeing their faces as they were sitting on the plane waiting and when they first jumped out!!

Yesterday (Wednesday) I had to get up pretty early because I was going whitewater rafting with Maggie and Chris. We had a fantastic day, stopped for a barbie at lunch time, and spent the rest of the time rafting. There were 9 boats all together, and the rest all seemed to sit down in the boat to go through the rapids, but our instructor made sure that we worked through them by paddling, saying that we were properly rafting, and not just on a disneyland ride!! It was great fun. Got a couple of bruises for my efforts, but that's about it. There was one point where he said that he was going to make us purposefully fall into the water, that was fun. Every boat did that, but later on we stayed back behind the other groups, and he told us that he was going to tip the boat with us in it. We were the only group to do this, but again it was a really good laugh. We were all completely shattered afterwards, but still managed a couple of beers, before making our way to the pub next door for the free wine. There was a pool competition on there and between 8:30 and 9:30 all the ladies had free champagne. All you can drink - made the most of that 2!! All night I had bought one glass of wine that was $4 so about 2 quid. Probably one of the cheapest nights out I've had for a while!! We ate at the pub again, and I had lamb t-bones this time. But, there were cooked rare. I managed to eat about half of them. But once again, my leftovers were cleared up!!!

Managed to have a little lie-in this morning, and then having a lazy morning, before going over to Dunk Island @ 12:30. Looking forward to that, and getting there on a water taxi.

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