Sunday 12 October 2008

Monday 13th October - Mission beach to Maggie Island

Caught the water taxi over to Dunk Island last Thursday - it only took about 10 mins to get over there. Once we'd arrived we found somewhere to have some food, and then just chilled for a few hours. I found a deckchair but the sea, read, listened to my ipod, and then swam in the sea when it got too hot!! After catching the water taxi back we decided to get ready and head into Mission Beach that was about 6kms away because there was a pool night in one of the local pubs and it was promising to be a good night. It wasn't. It ended up being pretty boring, only 2 pubs open and no bottle-shop so couldn't even get some booze and head down to the beach.

We had to check out of Scotty's on Friday because we were catching the Oz Experience bus down to Magnetic Island. The bus picked us up about 1pm, and then slowly headed down to Townsville, where we caught the ferry over to Magnetic (Maggie) Island. There was a full moon at our hostel Friday night. These were supposed to be really good parties, so we were all looking forward to that. We got to our hostel, changed, had food and then waited for the party to start. It wasn't as busy as we thought it would be, it wasn't a full moon, we weren't allowed on the beach, and the music was rubbish. We all got pretty drunk and enjoyed though. It finished at around 5:30am, and because it was starting to get light a few of us decided to watch the sunrise over the sea. Unfortunately it was cloudy so all we saw was the sky getting lighter!!!

Saturday didn't really happen for most of us - it was a day spent sleeping. I did manage to get up by about 10:30 though, have a cooked breakfast, and then head back to bed. The next thing that I knew it was 4pm. A few of us got up then and headed out for more food, before having an early night!!

Sunday was a bit more energetic! We headed to a koala sanctuary. That was really good. I got to hold a koala, a snake, a baby croc, a big bird and a blue tongued skink. It was a really good afternoon. After that we stayed around there and had food (pizza!) and a few drinks.

Got up quite early today (Monday) and caught the bus to take us to a car rental place. I hired a pink tropical topless car with furry steering wheel cover and everything!! We then spent the day travelling around the island (that worked out to be pretty small). We saw some rock wallabies on our travels though, which was fun.

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