Monday 6 October 2008

Mon 6/10/08 - Crocs, Roos and Mission Beach

I went to watch the rugby @ Shennanigans pub yesterday afternoon, where Manly beat Melbourne in style. After getting back, it was my turn to cook, so made pasta bolognaise. Then after a shower went to bed.

Alarm then went off @ 6am this morning. Not good. But got my stuff sorted and walked over to meet the Oz Experience bus. We were on the bus for a couple of hours before stopping for breakfast in a town called Innisfail. After brekkie we got back on the bus and headed for a crocodile farm. It was pretty amazing there. There were loads of crocs, emus, kangaroos, dingos, peacocks and 2 cassowaries.

The kangaroos were running free and would just come straight up 2 us and we fed them. One kangaroo had a joey in its pouch, so cute!! We then saw someone feeding the crocs. He was mad. He would walk into the cage with just a stick and a dead piece of meat and would make the crocs come out of the water and snap a few times before giving them the meat. The dingos were cute aswell, and I managed to hold a baby one.

After the croc park we got back on the bus to travel the rest of the way to Mission Beach. I've got no mobile signal at all here. Whilst here I'm planning to go white water rafting, and get a boat over to Dunk Island. We're having a barbie 2nite. I can't believe how hot it is here. This is the hottest place I've been to so far, about 37 degrees c 2day. I thought it would b a bit cooler than Cairns that was around 30 degrees, because we're further south.

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