Monday 3 November 2008

4/11/08 - Brisbane (or Brisvegas!)

Caught the bus on Saturday at 4:30 to take me to Rainbow Beach which is a compulsory stop on the OzExperience bus. We arrived in the evening, had some food and then listened to a man play the didgeridoo. He then played a didgeritwo with another man (it's kinda 2 didgeridoo's that join together and make one at the end). We had to be up pretty early on Sunday to catch the bus at 8am to take us to Brisbane. There was a triathlon on in one of the town's we stop at so were a bit delayed trying to get through the diversions. We got to Brisbane soon after 1, and waited for the bus to take us to our hostel. First impressions of the hostel weren't great. The door of the rooms never seem to be locked, the bathroom is quite a walk away from the room, it's not all that clean, and 6 people in the room with us (out of 8) work, so have to get up early in the morning. That wouldn't be so bad if they actually switched their alarm off and got up. But some actually prefer to let their alarm go on and on. And then press the snooze button. Lots of times. When 6 people do that the chance of sleep is slim!!

After arriving and having a quick shower 4 of us went over to Sinead's cousins house for a barbie. We had a really nice afternoon, her cousin was really nice, and then headed to the pub (obviously an Irish bar - there's more of them than any other in Australia!!!). On our first full day here, we walked round lots of hostels trying to find a decent but cheap one to book into after our 4 nights in this one is up. We found one called Cloud 9, but couldn't book a bed until the next day. So we'll have to phone up later to see if we can get in. After that we just kinda walked around Brisbane trying to get our bearings. Brisbane seems like a really nice city, which I'm pleased about because I was really looking forward to coming here.

At 4pm 3 of us had booked onto the xxxx brewery tour, so caught the train out there. The tour was really good, and we could have 4 glasses of beer at the end, which was a nice way to end!!! Once that had finished we decided to go for a curry (it's been a while and we were missing them!!!), so found a curry house in the Westend. It was a nice night.

The Melbourne cup is on today, so going to place a bet on a horse later. One of the horses is called Newport, so gonna have to go for that. It's odds are about 50:1 though, so don't think it's got that much chance, but we'll see. It's also Jennie's birthday today, so going out tonight to celebrate.

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