Monday 17 November 2008

Tuesday 17th November - Surfers to Byron Bay. Here comes fun!!!

We had to check out of our hostel by 10 on Sunday morning, but weren't catching the Oz Experience bus from Surfers Paradise until 3 o'clock. So, after checking out and putting our bags into lockers we headed down to the beach. Whilst we were there there were children doing surf rescue life saving, which is something that is done a lot across Australia. There were loads of children there aswell as their parents, and also loads of helpers. It was quite amazing to watch, and the children seemed to get loads of enjoyment out of it.

After spending a couple of hours on the beach we headed back up to the hostel for some lunch. After making sure lunch took as long as possible, we collected our bags and then headed for the bus. Despite it being really hot and sunny during the morning, by now it had started to rain, and there was thunder and lightning. Apparently during the next couple of days Queensland saw their worst storm in 25 years!! It was only an hour and half on the bus to Byron Bay, but as we had now left Queensland and had entered New South Wales, the clocks had changed. They had moved forward an hour.

We checked into room number 13 (not a good start), and we were in an 8 bed dorm. Most people went out that night from our room, excpet for me, Sinead and another girl. Unfortunately, we discovered that we had the nosiest room mates ever at 1am. And it took them ages to settle down. Then the following morning, 2 girls checked out at about 6:30am, and once again they had no idea about how to keep the noise down. One of the guys in our room had set an alarm on his phone, and it went off around 8 times during the morning before he decided to switch it off. And then 2 other people checked in, made as much noise as possible before declaring that they had been travelling over night so were really tired and going to bed.

After getting ready, me and Sinead decided to walk to a lighthouse, which is next to the most Eastern point of mainland Australia. Despite it almost being summer in Australia, it was a case of trousers, trainers, waterproof, the lot!!! As we were walking towards the lighthouse (which was about 2.2km each way, up and down hills), we looked out to the sea and I thought I saw something there. It was far away though so I couldn't be sure. As we walked a bit further we looked again and there were loads of dolphins in the sea playing. There must have been about 8 alltogether.

We got the most Eastern point and to the lighthouse (I forgot my camera!! Took some photos on my mobile, but not got many unfortunately), and then on the way back we noticed that the dolphins had moved even closer. Looking again, we saw that away from the dolphins was also a whale. It was definately worth the walk just to see them. On the walk back some Brits came over to talk to us, and commented about the weather being just like home!! It was raining, windy, cold. After getting back and having a pie for lunch (def one of the plus sides about being in Australia!!!), we headed to the pub for a drink because there was nothing else to do. The hostel had put a board up suggesting things to do while it's raining, and they were literally:
  • read,
  • go on the internet,
  • go drinking,
  • go in the sea (you'll be wet anyway),
  • go to Nimbin (local drugs area. Very well known - decided against it),
  • Play board games.

That was about it. So, we spent the rest of the afternoon reading books, magazines, talking and eating. Thankfully then last night, the people who were noisy coming in the previous night weren't too bad. And there was no one checking out in the morning so managed to get quite a bit more sleep. The weather isn't much better today, still raining. The plan for the day is to head to the cinema this afternoon, and then get dominos pizza for food. It's cheap arse Tuesday, where everywhere has offers so is cheaper than usual. A large pizza is less than $5 which is not much more than 2 pounds. Cinema is $7.50, which is about 3 pounds 50.

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