Tuesday 11 November 2008

Wednesday 12th November 2008 - Brisbane

Well I spent the weekend doing very little. I just walked around the city (a lot!), spent a couple of hours in the Botanic Gardens reading and watching lizards's chasing each other (not a sight you see often at home!). Saturday night I went to the cinema and watched 'How to make friends and alienate people' which was good. Then Sunday was a very similar day (even went back to the cinema and saw 'A night in Rodanthe'. We've been having problems with our hostel all weekend. The air con doesn't work, and it's really hot in the room, and the lights decide to switch off around 8pm, and turn back on around 11pm. Reception staff are useless and don't do anything about it. We've also got a shared bathroom between our room and one other, but the shower doesn't have a drop of hot water coming out of it!! It actually goes pretty well with the sauna of a room!!

Me and Sinead got up early on Monday to catch a train to go to Steve Irwin's zoo. Whilst there I fed an elephant and it slobbered all over my hand!! Must admit that it was a first. I also fed kangaroos, and saw loads of other animals including crocs, a camel, tigers, goats, koala's, a Tasmanian Devil. etc. It was a busy day, and after getting back we decided to go to the pub for food. Steak night for $8.90. Then stopped at another pub at the way home where a schooner of xxxx was $3.00 during happy hour.

Tuesday morning was really lazy. Didn't move far from bed at all!! Nice to have a morning like that sometimes. Then we had lunch and I went on the internet to sort out flights to New Zealand. I've decided to go over there for 10 days at the end of the month. Gonna be staying with family which will be nice. It'll be a novelty to not share a bedroom with 7 other people!! Afterwards we went to the pub (I'm spotting a pattern here!!), and over to a flat that 5 people have just rented out for 6 weeks. We got takeaway pizza and had a couple of glasses of wine before heading back to the hostel. The flat was lush though.

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