Thursday 20 November 2008

Fri 21st November. Byron to Surf Camp to Coffs Harbour and then back to Sydney

I ended up going to the cinema in Byron Bay to see 'Burn After Reading' with Brad Pitt and George Clooney. What a strange film!!! Worth watching, but still can't decide if I actually enjoyed it. Very weird!!

We were up early on Wednesday to catch the Oz Experience bus. This was taking us to Surf Camp which was a compulsory stop. At surf camp I had another surfing lesson which was great fun, but not as good as the Sydney one. The waves seemed huge there (though they probably weren't that big!!!) and it took so much energy to get out far enough to be able to surf back in it was mad!!! I did manage to stand up, though, and even attempted it without help from an instructor. After food, we then watched somone's Peter Kay DVD 'Live at Bolton Albert Hall' in the TV room, and had quite an early night. The next morning we were woken up at 6am for breakfast, and then caught the bus at 7 ready to take us to Coffs Harbour.

At Coffs Harbour we went to the local dolphin and seal sanctuary. I had my photo taken being kissed by a seal and a dolphin. That was a first!!! We then watched a dolphin and seal 'magic show', which was really good. It was pretty funny. I also got to feed a seal. After the show we went to feed some penguins. The breed that was there is the world's smallest breed of penguins. Once we'd finished there we went for a wonder into Coffs Harbour centre. There wasn't much there. I bought a new hand luggage bag coz mine broke, and had some lunch. In the evening we headed back into the centre to have food.

This morning we were collected by the Oz Experience bus at about 7:30 am (another early start - I thought this was supposed to be a holiday!!!). This would be my last time on the bus as it was taking me through to Sydney. It took about 8/9 hours all together, so arrived in Sydney late afternoon. I'm staying at 790 on George hostel here, and so far it looks ok. I'm booked in here for 3 nights, but not quite sure what I'll do after that and before I fly to New Zealand on Friday. Decisions, decisions.........

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