Wednesday 26 November 2008

Thurs 27th Nov - Sydney, Sydney, Sydney

I wondered around the shopping centre on Tuesday until it was time to go to the bus stop. Didn't really buy anything - one problem with being a backpacker is that money is generally pretty tight unfortunately!!! Caught the bus back and then checked into the hostel (790 on George). I kinda had the same room as first time round (it's the same hostel I stayed in before heading off to Canberra) except that it was a couple of floors up. Unfortunately though the lift was broken, so several flights of stair later (with my backpack on my back remember!!!) I arrive ever so slightly out of breath. But never mind, I could have been on the top floor!!! There is one person in the room when I get there so say hi, and that's that. I head off to the supermarket to get something for food, then head to bed and read. At that point there was nobody in the room. Cool!!! That does not happen often. Unfortunately though people come back between about 1am and 4am. Each time the light goes on, and they talk to each other, talk on the phone, or just generally make as much noise as possible. Never mind, I eventually got to sleep and then annoyed everyone by switching my reading light on at 10:15am (!!!!!). Seriously.

I spent Wednesday out and about. I went to Hyde Park to have my lunch and sit for a while. And then wondered around the city. I had a little snooze during the afternoon (I needed it from the night before!!) and then went to watch James Bond Quantum of Solace in the cinema. When I got back to the hostel last night there was no one there again, which I knew would mean me being woken up again. Oh well, only 2 more nights of it. I haven't actually worked out where these girls are from yet, because they just won't talk to me. I think they mite be Austrian or German or something. No idea. I was right, but at least it was a little earlier. They finally shut up around 2am.

Today, I caught the train and went to the harbour, and saw the opera house and harbour bridge. I saw them when I first got to Australia, but thought I'd visit again. After that I had the joys of washing to do. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow for a couple of reasons. For one I'm flying to New Zealand. Secondly I have to get up at 5am. I will try my hardest to be quiet, but I can't promise anything!! Hehehehe. Payback!!

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