Saturday 29 November 2008

Saturday 29th November 2008 - New Zealand!!

I eventually got to sleep around 1am Friday morning, so had only had about 4 hours sleep when the alarm went off at 5. After making sure everybody was awake (hehehe) I switched the alarm of, bounced my way off the top bunk, and went for a shower. When I got back I had to switch the light on (it was still dark), and made quite a drama of packing my bags, especially as I'd left a lot of stuff on the bed so had to jump back up, sort stuff out and bounce back down. I then left, but 'forgot' to turn the light off. Oops!! These things can't be helped!!

I walked up to central station and nearly lost my balance getting my ticket out of the machine!! I had to bend down to pick the ticket up, and had almost 18kg of stuff on my back. I seriously wobbled getting back up. Oh, and the kind woman standing next to me just watched me. As soon as I got steady again, I started walking towards the train. Only disaster strook - I dropped the flippin ticket!! So the second drama was picking that up (I'm wondering if this is karma for being noisy???). I wobbled again, not as bad as the first time and went on my way. Thankfully, being not even 6am the station was pretty quiet so I got a seat pretty close to the door on the train, and didn't have to fight with any stairs (the trains here are double decker, but you have to go downstairs to one floor, upstairs to the other, and there are just a handful of seats where you don't have to tackle any stairs.

I got to the airport and checked in (eventually - the computer wasn't working. I do think I should have been upgraded for my patience!!). After checking in I went through to departures, and did the weekly parent phone calls (it is surprising how quickly the weekend turns up!). After that I grabbed a croissant for breakfast, and went to sit and wait to board. As I was sitting, reading my magazine, some woman came up to me and asked if I'd mind answering some questions as part of a survey of people who travel around Australia who aren't Australian. I thought I might as well, not much else to do. I'd been travelling for over 70 days at this point, and had visited over 20 places (or something like that). It took her ages to go through everywhere I'd been and for how long (thankfully I had it all written down in a little book I carry around with me). She asked someone else after me and only took about 5 mins, if that. I'm sure I was over half an hour!! I did get 2 free boomerang fridge magnets for my troubles though (maybe I shouldn't have said that - I could have given them to people as gifts!!!!).

I boarded the plane and went to sit in my window seat (on the wong though - I always seem to get seated on the wing so the view was lovely!!). People were boarding, and the plane was getting pretty full, but the 2 seats next to me were staying empty. By the time we were leaving, they were still empty so I had 3 seats all to myself (I did get some looks from people though!!). It was nice to have a window seat and yet not have to ask anybody to shift when I need to go to the loo!! On the plane I watched an episode of Gavin and Stacey, and then the film Mamma Mia. The flight only took around 2 3/4 hours, so we soon arrived in Auckland.

Leaving the plane then you have to go through the whole immigration thing, and tell people why you're visiting, for how long, and where you're staying and stuff like that. I found that it is a lot easier to leave a country than it is to get in. You have to stop several times to get checked, and to see whether you should be allowed entry. Thankfully I was let in!! As I got through to arrivals, I phoned John (Mam's cousin - who I'm staying with), to see where he was. He was literally walking through the door as I arrived, which was good as he didn't have to pay any car park fees. On the way back to the flat, we stopped by at their church where his daughter, Rebecca and her husband were working so I could meet them. Then we went back to the flat, and I was shown my room. That sounds so nice. A room where there's only me in it!! A bed that hasn't got another one stuck on top of it. Heaven!!!

As we arrived at the flat, John's foster daughter Debbie arrived with her son Cameron (who's 18 months old and gorgeous!). We watched a bit of the tv (another luxury!) - Home and Away of course!! - and then had food. A nice home cooked meat and cheese pie, with mashed potatoes and mushy peas. After food we went for a drive around Auckland so I could see the city. I am actually surprised at how small it is, and then had strawberries and ice cream for pudding. The ice cream was hokey pokey ice cream which I don't think I've had before. It was vanilla with honeycomb pieces in it. Yum!!

This morning (Saturday) we drove into the city, and then caught a ferry over to Waiheke island to go on a wine tasting tour. The island is absolutely stunning. We visited 3 vineyards on the tour. The Mudbrick one to start, then Kennedy Point, and finally Obsidian. I've got to admit, the wines were all yummy!!! For lunch then, we went to a cafe on the island called Lazy Lounge, and had pizza and chips. After lunch we headed down to the beach for a while, before catching the ferry back to Auckland. When we arrived back at the house, Michelle (John's eldest daughter) was there with 2 of her children. As I was sorting out what to do with the rest of the week, and where to go, Rebecca arrived with her husband, Steve.

We then had an indian takeaway for food, and then sat down - pretty shattered from the day in the sun!!

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