Saturday 15 November 2008

Saturday 15th November - Brisbane to Surfers Paradise

On Wednesday I spent the day just wondering around the Southbank in Brisbane, and had a nice lunch and a couple of glasses of vino. Then, a few of us went on the Brisbane Eye (yes, just like the London one), and saw the sights of Brisbane. Wednesday night was spent out drinking (I'm really starting to think I'm an alcoholic!!), but thankfully didn't drink too much so could actually move the next day. I decided I wanted to go shopping the next day, and being in a city it was pretty simple!! I only actually bought a couple of things, and then managed to get a 10% discount, because the guy in the shop was Welsh, from Swansea. The rest of the day was just spent chilling in the Botanic Gardens again. Lush!!

On Friday I had to check out of my hostel (oh what a shame, I really liked the ice cold showers, the lights that only worked half the time, the aircon that was on way too high so was like the North Pole, and the leaking ceiling!) and catch the Oz Experience bus to Surfers Paradise. Once there me and Sinead decided to have a look at what there was to do, and we saw an advert for Abba Mania, a tribute band for Abba (obviously!!), and there was food included. It ended up being a really good night. Food was a roast (the 1st time Sinead had ever had a Yorkshire Pudding - after I'd explained to her it wasn't a pudding!) followed by apple crumble. The show was really good with everyone singing along and dancing. The only problem we had was that we weren't allowed into most of the bars because we were wearing flip flops (or thongs out here!).

Today, Saturday, has been a pretty lazy day. Stayed in bed late this morning, but then when I did get up we went for a game of tennis. This afternoon was then spent on the beach. The waves are amazing here (I take it that's why it's called Surfers Paradise!!!). We then found an Irish bar (there are millions of them here!) for food and a pint!! Irish bars are the only place you can get a pint in Australia pretty much. Everywhere else serves schooners, which are less than a pint, but more than a half.

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