Friday 19 September 2008


Went 2 Bondi yesterday, and spent an hour or so chilling on the beach. After that we did the Bondi to Coogee coastal walk, stopping for a bbq, a couple of beers and a few games of volleyball on Clevelli beach (Of course the team I was in won!!!!!). The walk was pretty tough going, especially as I'd woken up feeling ill, but was definately worth it. After getting back and showering we came to the ozintro office for a work and travel talk (and another beer), which lasted about an hour or so. After that most people went out for food, but poorly me went straight to bed, and slept through until this morning.

Woke up this morning then feeling worse, with very little voice. Thankfully we've got nothing planned til tonight, and as most people were climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, me and Sinead went to Bondi beach again to chill. It was a lot busier than yesterday, as it was Saturday. It was next to impossible to get a bus back coz they were all full before reaching our bus stop so we splashed out and just got a taxi. Today is definately the hottest day so far, it's pretty warm out there but no major signs of a tan yet which is pretty disappointing! Got a bar crawl tonight where we're dressing up as marathon runners (the Sydney marathon is tomorrow!).

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