Wednesday 17 September 2008

In Sydney!!!

Well, after 2 very long flights (and next to no sleep) I arrived in Sydney yesterday. Arrived with Sam, Annie and Jennie after catching the same flight as them at about 6:30am and it was already warm and sunny - a really good start. Met the Ozintro people and they bought us to the hostel, but we couldn't check in until 11 so we went for breakfast. After checking in we were taken into the middle of Sydney and were shown a few of the sights. Saw Sydney Opera house and the Sydney Harbour bridge, a bit of wildlife and about a million people out jogging in their lunch hour (madness!!). We then went jetboating in Sydeny Harbour. We all pretty much got drenched but it was a real good laugh.

We all decided to go out for food with our ozintro guide that night and then were asked if we wanted to go to a backpackers pub on Oxford Street, Sydney for cheap drinks and join on with another couple of ozintro groups. Because most of us had only arrived that morning we thought we might just go for one or two and then catch a bus back to the hostel. It was about 2:15am when the last of us decided that it was time to leave!! Ended up only having about 3-4 hours sleep so have spent today feeling pretty jetlagged (oh and hungover from the drinks about $3 for a schooner (just under a pint) so about one pound fifty!). Thankfully today has been a quiet day. We just sorted out the boring but essential stuff like bank account, medicare card and where to go when we want to look for work. After that we had lunch (I thought a small bowl of wedges would help with the hangover - but ended up with a mountain of the things!!!). After lunch we headed over to Sydney Aquarium to see the fish and the sharks, etc. Came back to hostel after that where the majority of us completely crashed!! I slept for about 3 hours.

The hostel itself is ok. Nothing special but got everything we need. There are 12 in our room and they're all people from our group. The other 2 are directly next door and share the same balcony as us so they're usually found in our room!! Everyone from the group seems really nice, and we all are having a good laugh together.

Surfing lesson tomorrow - this should be fun. Watch this space............

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