Sunday 28 September 2008

Monday 29/09/08 - still in Cairns

That bit of colour I caught turned out 2 b sunburn, especially on my back. Ouch!! After a couple of drinks at the hostel bar Sat night ($2.50 for a glass of wine - that's just over a pound - I love happy hour!!), went 2 bed and the whole room managed 2 sleep in until pretty much midday. The rest of the day was pretty much the same - lazy!! Decided 2 phone hostels 2 book for xmas and new year (been putting it off and hostels seem 2 b really filling up!), and was lucky - the 1st hostel had vacancies. It's only a 10 min walk from the centre of Sydney, and we can fit 6 of us in the same room. It was $36 a night, which was a bit of a shock coz most hostels are between 60-70 dollars over xmas time. The reviews seem ok 4 it 2, but there must b a catch somewhere.........

After booking that, and also booking a full moon party at Magnetic Island, a couple of us caught the bus into Cairns 2 get stuff 4 food - it was my turn 2 cook so I made chicken fajita's. Got 2 admit they were pretty good. After a couple of drinks (happy hour again!) we made our way 2 bed. Most of the room were getting up early this morning, coz they were goibng on their cape tribulation tour. We were all woken @ 5am though, coz someone turned up and was checking in2 the spare bed in our room. I then just got myself up and ready in my own little time, checked out and then had a bacon sarnie for breakfast. It's pretty annoying though, I still haven't got my appetite back after being ill, so only managed half the sarnie. Not good :-(

My plans for 2day r pretty boring unfortunately (finding the medicare centre 2 claim back for my doctors appointment, find a post office, and do my laundry). Life in Oz is pretty exciting!!

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