Thursday 25 September 2008

Friday 26/09/08

Well, after my busy day meeting the stars we decided 2 go out 4 a couple of drinks in our hostel for as beach party theme. Ended up having cheap drinks, but coz still feeling poorly was in bed b4 midnight. Then couldn't stop coughing though and was awake til bout 3am. Got some good pics from that night, and they've gone onto facebook. Thursday morning got up and after checking out of base hostel (the nicest hostel yet) caught a bus with 2 of the others and went back 2 Palm beach coz we had been told that Home and Away would b filming there again. When we arrived we saw the filming vans and stuff, so we were in luck. As we were walking towards the surf club we saw Miles and had our photo taken with him. He was lovely and really chatty, even telling us where he lived and stuff!! We then wondered down onto the beach and saw that Roman and Martha were filming a scene. So, we went and watched them filming for a while before decidin we should get going coz we were catching a flight to Cairns that night. As we got to leave we passed Leah from the show, and ended up having pics taken with her 2.

We then got our bags from the hostel and caught a taxi out 2 Coogee 2 the Ozintro office so that we could collect our tickets for everything that has been booked for us (decided to book open tickets for loads of stuff 2 do down the East coast including jungle surfing, a reef day trip, horse riding on the beach, Fraser Island and Whitsundays, Maggie Island, and the bus that's taking us down). We sorted all that out at ozintro, and gave Gary (Our guide there) a pic of us as a present and a t-shirt with a pic of us on it, with the words "If Carlsberg did ozintro guides...".

Once we'd sorted this out, checked in online, and picked up cd's of all our photos so far we caught a taxi 2 take us to the airport. We were flying at 7:25. We ended up being bout half hour late flying, but made up loads of time and arrived in Cairns bout 10 mins early. After collecting our bags we caught a taxi to take us to the Calypso hostel. At the hostel it's like being in Jamaica or somewhere, it all seems very tropical. There's a pool here 2, which is nice. There r 4 of us sharing a room here. The toilet is outside though, which is pretty scary when u think of the bugs in this area. It's all very clean though.

We all managed to sleep in this morning, and I woke up feeling really rough again. I'm getting fed up of this being ill now coz not enjoying things as much as I should, and just want 2 spend half my time sleeping. We bought some noodles from the shop 2 cook 4 lunch and then went 4 a walk 2 tha lagoon. People aren't supposed 2 b swimming in the sea around here - it's full of crocs. The lagoon seemed really pretty, but as I was feeling rough again, I left everyone there and went back for a sleep. We've got 2 decide later now whether we r gonna b staying here after tonight, or moving on 2 a different hostel............

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