Tuesday 9 September 2008

5 days to go...

Well, there's only 5 days til I fly off 2 Oz now. Really excited now, really looking forward to going. Not quite packed yet - looked at the clothes a few times, but putting of the whole packing thing!! Worried that I'll forget something, even though I know I'll be able to buy anything I need out there. Really looking forward to meeting a few of the ozintro group at the airport. As long as I don't get lost! Not looking forward to the flight though. It's gonna be long and boring probably. I leave Heathrow at 10:30pm on Sunday and then arrive in Sydney at 6:30am on Tuesday (local time). That's ages to be sitting on a plane, and I'm not looking forward to it at all. I'm pretty sure it'll all be worth it though.

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