Sunday 21 September 2008

Monday 22/09/08

Well, ended up not going on the bar crawl Saturday night - felt too ill. Sam didn't go either. Ended up phoning Mam, getting a McDonalds, eating about 2 mouthfulls, and then going 2 bed. Was then up ill during the night then which is really unfair because I was one of the few not actually drinking!!! Didn't move very far on Sunday (yesterday). Spent the day sleeping, reading and went 4 a walk up 2 the ozintro office so sort out what we are going to do next. I was supposed to be doing the blue mountains trip 2day but that's a 7am start and a long day walking, so decided prob not the best idea. I told Gary at ozintro that I was not going 2 go and he said that because I had given them notice I would be able to do it again with another group. Pleased about that coz I really wanted to do it. You see kangaroos there so disappointed I couldn't go 2day.

Ended up having an early night last night again! After everyone had left for the blue mountains, I got showered and made my way up to the doctors. It's amazing - they see you pretty much straight away. No interrogation by the reception staff or anything. Nothing like home. The doctor told me I had bronchitis, a fever and an inflammed throat. Thankfully he gave me antibiotics so hopefully they'll start working soon. Had such an exciting day after that - reading, sleeping and did my washing!! I didn't realise that Australia would be quite this exciting!!! :-)

Got our farewell dinner 2nite up Sydney tower. And I'm determined to go!!! I'm pretty sure that the rest will head out drinking after and I'll be back in bed!! But I'm determined to make the dinner!!

I had a text message of Sinead earlier asking how I was and she told me the trip wasn't going 2 plan. They were late being collected because the guide was ill, they then had 2 swap guides agan so they ended up not being able to go and see the kangaroos. I might actually be the lucky one out of this!!!

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