Wednesday 24 September 2008

What a day!! Wow!!!

We decided to go 2 Palm beach 2day 2 c if we'd b lucky enough 2 c Home and Away being filmed. Took an hour and a half on the bus, and when we arrived the beach was pretty empty!! Thankfully someone told us that they were filming at another beach about 10 mins away on the bus, so off we went again, and yup they were there. There was only Charlie and Roman from the programme there, but it was pretty cool watching them filming scenes in the water (especially as Roman took his shirt off!! After they finished filming we got our pics taken with him :-)

After that we went to Manly beach and then caught the ferry back into Sydney. We have now moved to Base hostel in the centre of Sydney (after wake up and yha being full and having to walk half way round the city!). Thankfully people were really helping me with my bags coz still feeling pretty rough.


Unknown said...

o my life rach, we ni ddim yn sylweddoli bo t d bod i manly beach, na le ma nhw'n filmo out of the blue...ok, i admit it, i have a obsessed da aussie soaps!xxxxx

rach27184 said...

T yn obsessed yn dwyt t?? Sa i d gweld out of the blue ond wedi clywed amdano. O nhw ddim yn ffilmo pan o ni na. Not 2 upset tho, dim ar ol gweld Roman a Miles!!!!